Have I started a New Year's Eve tradition for our family? This year, I made clam chowder. The best I have ever had! Thank you Costco, Martha Stewart, and Doogers for your supplies, recipe, and inspiration, respectively.
Christmas morning at Grandma & Grandpa Nelsons. Jewell is holding the Christmas stocking I made her.
Jewell had a lot of fun with her Aunt Tiffany, and kept asking her to come "sing" at the piano.
Some pics (still in the parking lot) of our sledding trip on Christmas eve. Jewell was NOT very excited about it. In fact, this year we bought her some pink snow boots and black snow pants, but she despises the snow pants so much she seems to have rebelled against all snow activity. Must buy pink everything from now on to ensure that it meets Jewell's standards. I basically had to hold her the entire time we were out sledding, which wasn't too much fun for me. But it was still amazingly beautiful outside. (For better sledding pics of the trip, and shots of a little girl who IS having fun, see Heath & Michele's blog).
The family photo: despite wild children and a freezing cultural hall, we made it happen! Thanks everyone for your cooperation.
Back in Selah at the ward Christmas party, Jewell got her first good taste of Santa Claus. Although she enjoyed the little toy doll he gave her, she was not otherwise amused.